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WHEREAS, in return for instruction in firearms, use of premises and equipment (including but not limited to firearms and ammunition), and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Undersigned agrees to the following:


To indemnify, hold harmless and defend No Limit Tactical LLC, a limited liability company formed in the State of Delaware, and any of its members, employees, officers, or agents  (collectively, “NLT Staff”) and the owners and lessees of the Premises (defined below) from any and all fault, liabilities, costs, expenses, claims, demands or lawsuits (“Claims”) arising out of, related to or connected with: the instruction in or discharge of firearms, the Undersigned’s participation in discharging firearms; observing the discharging of firearms, the range, buildings, land and premises used (the “Premises”); the Undersigned’s presence on or use of the Premises; the equipment (including but not limited to firearms and ammunition); and any and all acts or omissions of the Undersigned.  Should any such Claims arise or be asserted in any way related thereto, whether arising under the laws of the United States, the State of Pennsylvania or any other state, or under any theory of law or equity, the Undersigned will indemnify, hold harmless and defend NLT Staff from any and all costs, expenses or liability, including but not limited to, the cost of any settlement or judgment made or rendered against NLT Staff, whether individually, jointly, or in concert with the Undersigned, together with all costs of court and other costs or expenses incurred, including attorney’s fees, in connection with any such Claims.


The Undersigned waives any and all rights and claims for damages, losses, demand and any other actions, which exist or which may arise against NLT Staff and owners and lessees of the Premises (including but not limited to any and all injuries, damages or illnesses suffered by the Undersigned or the Undersigned’s property) which may in any way whatsoever arise out of, be related to or be connected with:  instruction in or discharging firearms; the use of NLT Staff equipment (including but not limited to firearms and ammunition); the Premises, including any latent defects in the Premises; the Undersigned’s presence on or use of the Premises; the Undersigned’s property (whether or not entrusted to NLT Staff).  NLT Staff shall not be liable for, and the Undersigned hereby expressly releases NLT Staff from any and all such claims.  This waiver is both personal and on behalf of any minor for whom it is executed.


The Undersigned expressly assumes the risk of entering the Premises and taking part in activities on the Premises which include, but are not limited to the discharge of firearms and the firing of live ammunition; observing individuals discharging firearms; the use of NLT Staff equipment (including but not limited to firearms and ammunition); and the use of the Premises.  The Undersigned furthermore hereby acknowledges and agrees that he/she has read, understands and will at all times abide by NLT Staff’s rules, instructions, procedures, safety rules and any and all Range Officer instructions, whether communicated in writing, posted on the premises or communicated verbally.  This instrument binds the Undersigned and his/her executors, administrators, assignees or heirs and any minor for whom it is signed.  If obviously under the age of 21, my age is listed.  If I am a minor under the age of 18 years, I understand that a parent or legal guardian’s signature is required.


 I acknowledge that the use of firearms is an inherently dangerous activity and assume the risks of using and employing firearms or other similar products on the Premises.


I further acknowledge that the study and application of firearms techniques is physically demanding and requires that I be in good physical condition and free of any disability or physical condition that would prohibit my participation.


By signing this waiver and agreement, you are acknowledging that you have read, understand and agree with the above and verifying that you are a U.S. citizen at least 18 years old and can legally own, use and possess a firearm in accordance with all local, state and federal laws of the United States of America.

I hereby warrant that I am a legally competent adult and a parent or legally appointed guardian of the minor, and that I have every right to contract for the minor in the above regard.  I further state that I have read this waiver and agreement, prior to its execution, and that I fully understand and agree to the contents thereof.  This waiver and agreement shall be binding upon the minor and me, and our respective heirs, legal representatives and assigns.

Thanks for submitting!

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